2011 TMS Service Awards presented to Richard Bennett and Thomas Young


At TMS’s 2011 Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon, TMS Vice President, Scott Walkowicz presented two Society  Service Awards to Richard M. Bennett and Thomas C. Young. The Masonry Society started this award in 2006 to recognize individuals who volunteer in special, and typically unseen, ways. The intent of the award is to recognize those who continually assist the Society, but who are not normally recognized for their efforts.

Dick BennettAnyone who has been involved in the development of the MSJC will understand many of the reasons that Dick Bennett received a Service Award. However, primary reasons he was nominated included that he routinely helps the Executive Director and TMS staff with reviews, interpretations, and responding to technical inquiries. Bennett also assists TMS by serving as an Associate Editor for TMS Journal and he is a new author for the Masonry Designers’ Guide.

Thomas C. YoungThomas C. Young is a Founding Member of TMS and tremendous supporter of the Society. He was nominated for a Service Award for his considerable help in find presentation topics and speakers of interest for the 2010 Annual Meeting and for his assistance in promoting the meetings, moderating a session, and co-presenting a seminar. Young assisted staff with collecting shipments,  transporting them to the hotel, and providing materials and equipment for the meetings.