2012 TMS Service Awards presented to Janet L. Boyer, Raymond T. Miller, and John E. Swink


At TMS’s 2012 Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon, J. Patrick Rand, acting on behalf of TMS’s Awards Committee, presented three Society  Service Awards to Janet L. Boyer, Raymond T. Miller, and John E. Swink. The Masonry Society started this award in 2006 to recognize individuals who volunteer in special, and typically unseen, ways. The intent of the award is to recognize those who continually assist the Society, but who are not normally recognized for their efforts.

John Swink, Jan Boyer and Ray Miller (left to right) were presented with 2012 TMS Service Awards for their unexpected and exceptional support over the past year.
John Swink, Jan Boyer and Ray Miller (left to right) were presented with 2012 TMS Service Awards for their unexpected and exceptional support over the past year.

JanBoyer2008ServiceAwardJanet L. Boyer is the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Concrete Masonry Association and the Cast Stone Institute. She is a very active Member of The Masonry Society, who always assists where she can, serving on numerous Committees, including the Board of Directors. This past year, she went above and beyond her typical fantastic support – helping sponsor several TMS seminars, assisting with TMS’s Booth at the Structures Congress, and soliciting sponsors for TMS events, and recruiting several new Members. For these reasons, she was presented a 2012 TMS Service Award. She also assists with meetings, helping find speakers, and filling in where needed.

RayMiller2008ServiceAwardRaymond T. Miller is a constant supporter of TMS who assists staff with answering technical inquiries, reviewing publications and papers, and helping where help is needed. He helps the Society by  soliciting sponsorships, recruiting new members, and mentoring young members. He serves as an author and reviewer on the Masonry Designers Guide, has helped with the development, review and revision of seminars, has chaired meetings at the last minute in times of need, and has drafted ballots to move things forward. For these reasons and many, many more, he was presented a 2012 TMS Service Award.

JohnSwink2008ServiceAwardJohn E. Swink of ACME Brick received a 2012 TMS Service Award for his assistance with the 2011 TMS Annual Meeting. He went above and beyond expectations in assisting TMS Staff with the meetings that were held in San Antonio. He coordinated and helped host, the Brick Carving activity that was so popular during the Game Night at those meetings – ordering the green brick, hauling them to the meetings, finding a speaker and tools, hauling the brick back to be fired, and then shipping them to attendees. Lots of work, that few knew he did. He also assisted with other meeting preparations including bringing a projector and supplies to the meetings, and helping to market the meetings.