2013 TMS Service Awards presented to John Chrysler, Dennis Graber, and Bill McEwen


At TMS’s 2013 Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon, Jerry Painter, acting on behalf of TMS’s Awards Committee, presented three Society  Service Awards to John Chrysler, Dennis Graber, and Bill McEwen. The Masonry Society started this award in 2006 to recognize individuals who volunteer in special, and typically unseen, ways. The intent of the award is to recognize those who continually assist the Society, but who are not normally recognized for their efforts.

Chrysler2013ServiceAwardJohn Chrysler, Executive Director of the Masonry Institute of America,  is a very active Member of The Masonry Society, who has served in numerous key leadership roles, including President. He was presented this award, however, for assisting staff and the Society behind the scenes consistently with promotion of publications and seminars, recruitment of members, and assistance at meetings and seminars. He also assists the Society answer technical inquiries and provides guidance for staff.

Graber2013ServiceAwardDennis Graber, Director of Technical Publications at the National Concrete Masonry Association, also assists TMS by consistently answering technical calls and helping where help is needed. He was nominated for this award because of that service, as well as his service as Secretary of the Standards Development Committee and the Construction Requirements Subcommittee of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee for many years.

McEwen2013ServiceAwardBill McEwen, Director of the Masonry Institute of British Columbia was nominated for the award for his assistance promoting the Society internationally, especially with the North American Masonry Conference and the Canadian Masonry Symposium. He also serves as a photographer at TMS meetings, easing the burden on TMS Staff.