2015 President’s Award presented to David I. McLean


David I. McLean

Dr. David I. McLean, Dean of the College of Engineering at Colorado State University, was awarded the 2015 President’s Award at The Masonry Society’s 2015 Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Scott Walkowicz selected Dr. McLean for this Award for McLean’s excellent leadership of TMS’s Technical Activities Committee (TAC) and his insight on TMS’s Executive Committee. Walkowicz noted the importance of TAC’s work, and expressed appreciation for McLean’s hard work to guide the Committee through numerous critical reviews and rule enhancements. Walkowicz recognized the wisdom, good will, and patience McLean brings to discussions, and McLean’s openness in listening to suggestions and criticism and working towards solutions. Walkowicz expressed his happiness in being able to present the 2015 President’s Award to McLean for all that McLean has done for TMS.

Dr. McLean has served as the Dean of the College of Engineering at Colorado State University since 2013. Prior to this position, he was  a faculty member and noted researcher at Washington State University for 26 years. Before joining WSU, McLean worked as a research structural engineer with the National Bureau of Standards and as a construction engineer with the Louisiana Department of Transportation.

McLean has received numerous regional, national, and international awards for his research, teaching, advising and consulting.