2007 President’s Award presented to Ray Miller


TMS is fortunate to have many capable members who choose to devote significant time and energy to our efforts to advance the knowledge of masonry. Outgoing President, John Melander, had the pleasure to recognize one of those members at the TMS Awards Luncheon on November 10th with the President’s Award. During his presentation, Melander noted that Miller exemplifies the criteria for this award, which is to recognize someone who has made exceptional contributions to the success of the Society.

Miller is a doer; when he sees that something needs to be done, he is quick to roll up his sleeves and get it done. He has served in a number of roles including as a member of the Technical Activities committee, the Administrative Committee Team, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice-President, President Elect, and now as President. He has assisted with the development of the Masonry Designer’s Guide and the High Wind Manual for Masonry, which will soon be balloted. Miller has also be extremely generous to TMS, supporting directly several projects through sponsorship and his donations.

Melander noted that outside of TMS, Miller’s accomplishments are just as impressive. Miller is a structural engineer and has been involved in that profession for over 35 years. He is active in a number of organizations, including the Structural Engineers Association of Oregon (SEAO), Consulting Engineers Council of Oregon (CECO) and the Oregon Chapter of the American Concrete Institute (OACI).