TMS Recognizes J. Gregg Borchelt as an Honorary Member


Borchelt-Gregg-Honorary-MemberThe Masonry Society’s Board of Directors approved bestowing Honorary Membership status on J. Gregg Borchelt, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Brick industry Association, for his significant and continued contributions to both the Society and to the masonry industry as a whole.

Borchelt, P.E., FASTM, FCSI, FTMS and now HTMS, is one of the foremost experts on masonry, especially related to clay masonry, and his list of accomplishments is impressive and inspiring. He has been a valued contributor in masonry organizations, and his service at ASTM, CSI, TMS and other organizations is exemplary. Within TMS, Mr. Borchelt is a Founding Member, and through TMS’s history has served in nearly every role including President (1981-1983), Member of the Board of Directors, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Technical Activities Committee, Secretary of the Masonry Standards Joint Committee and member of numerous other TMS Committees. In these roles he has led TMS, volunteered when needed, and contributed his knowledge and expertise. For this unparalleled and continued service, he was presented TMS’s President’s Award in 1993, and was made a Fellow Member of the Society in 2005.

Outside of TMS, Borchelt’s accomplishment and service are even more significant. Borchelt has attended and contributed to nearly every major masonry conference can symposium in the last 30 years – serving on oversight committees, providing technical papers, serving as a reviewer, and offering his help and expertise where needed. He has been a member of ASTM since 1974, served as Committee Chairman of ASTM C15 from 1983 to 1989 and served on numerous ASTM Subcommittee and Task Groups. He has served BIA and the masonry industry in numerous other keys roles as well, including serving as a critical member and Board member of the Building Seismic Safety Council. In all of these forums, Borchelt has contributed greatly, offering his professionalism and knowledge while serving as a mentor and an example.