Cooper Banks Awarded 2022 Clayford T. Grimm Student Scholarship

Cooper Banks received the Grimm Scholarship presented during The Masonry Society’s Annual Meeting on October 13, 2022 in Denver, Colorado. Banks is interested in pursuing structural forensics and promoting sustainable materials for masonry construction. He will be studying at Clemson University under the direction of Dr. Laura Redmond.

Cooper Banks (center) with Adviser Dr. Laura Redmond (left) receives the 2022 Clayford T. Grimm P.E. Student Scholarship from Charles Tucker

Established in 2007 to honor the memory of Clayford T. Grimm, the Grimm Student Scholarship is awarded every year to a Master’s level graduate student who is conducting research in masonry. The investigation can be in masonry materials, structures, construction, or architecture and must be performed under the direction of a member of The Masonry Society.