Member Logos

We are pleased to offer our logo to Members in good standing for appropriate use to show their pride and membership in the Society.

To download, please review the Policies and Guidelines for Use of TMS Member Logo and complete the brief form below.

Thank you for your continued support of TMS!

Policies & Guidelines for use of TMS Member Logo

These policy statements and guidelines will be used in pertinent communications to govern the appropriate use of TMS logos.

Member Use of Logo

The TMS Member logo is a valuable asset of The Masonry Society and its Members. The TMS logo is a powerful marketing tool which distinguishes Members by their association with The Masonry Society. We hope that by showing your membership in TMS that it reflects positively on you.

Use of the TMS Member logo is governed by strict legal guidelines designed to safeguard TMS’ rights to this valuable symbol. TMS requires strict adherence to these guidelines. Any improper use of the TMS logo may result in termination of  membership in the Society.
TMS Maintains 6 primary logos as follows:

  • The TMS Logo without alteration. This logo may not be used without the expressed written permission of The Masonry Society.
  • The TMS Member Logo is available to all Members in good standing. The TMS Member Logo must always have the word ‘Member’ under it, with the year of membership shown.
  • The TMS Affiliate Member Logo is available to all Affiliate Members of the Society. The TMS Affiliate Member Logo must always have the words ‘Affiliate Member’ under it, with the year of membership shown.
  • The TMS Sustaining Member Logo is available to all Sustaining Members of the Society. The TMS Sustaining Member Logo must always have the words ‘Sustaining Member’ under it, with the year of membership shown.
  • The TMS Fellow Member Logo is available to all Fellow Members of the Society. The TMS Fellow Member Logo must always have the words ‘Fellow Member’ under it, with the year of membership shown.
  • The TMS Honorary Member Logo is available to all Honorary Members of the Society. The TMS Honorary Member Logo must always have the words “Honorary Member” under it. Honorary Members may add the year when they were added as an Honorary Member of the Society (as in “since 2005”), or my show the logo with no year because Honorary Membership is bestowed for life.

For the remainder of this policy and guideline the term “Member Logo” applies to the last 5 categories above, unless otherwise noted.

Only Members of TMS in good standing may use a TMS Member logo and must use the type of Member Logo that applies to their membership.

The privilege to use the TMS Member Logo is immediately terminated upon a Member’s failure to pay current membership dues. Any unauthorized use of the logo may result in legal action and  will result in the loss of the privilege to further use the Member logo. The logo may not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement of any product or service by the Society, to indicate that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with the Society, or to indicate any kind of relationship with the Society aside from those permitted above.

  1. The TMS Member Logo may be used in connection with the Member’s business. The Member Logo may be used on stationery, letterhead, business cards, and general business correspondence provided it is reasonably sized to be readable.
  2. The TMS Member Logo can be used to show the membership of an organization at trade shows or other events so long as it is used only to show the company’s membership in TMS. It may not be used to imply an endorsement by TMS of products, the company, nor an individual.
  3. The TMS Member Logo may be used on Members’ website to identify you or your company (if appropriate) as a TMS Member. When used on a website, a hyperlink shall be established from the Member Logo to the TMS home page (www.masonrysocietyorg). You may not use the TMS Member Logo to link to any other web sites.
  4. The Member Logo may not be used on official documents. The Member Logo may not be used on any sales contracts or official disclosure documents provided to potential or actual clients or purchasers of your services or products.
  5. The Member Logo can be printed in black or in a single color as selected by the Member.
  6. The entire Member Logo and words must be used and may not be otherwise altered in any way including but not limited to cropping, morphing, animating, or distorting.
  7. You may not use the TMS Member Logo in connection with any disparaging statements about TMS, its products, its Members, or offer statements that otherwise reflect poorly on TMS.
  8. The Member Logo may not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement of any product or service by the Society, to indicate that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with the Society, or any kind of relationship with the Society aside from those permitted above.

TMS reserves the right to approve or disapprove the use of the TMS logo on your web page.

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