Donate to The Masonry Society


The Masonry Society manages several funds to support a variety of projects. Learn more about these funds and how contributions are allocated below. Donors will be acknowledged on the fund’s webpage and major donations will also be acknowledged in the new Legacy Donor Recognition Program.

The Masonry Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.

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Funds & Scholarships

TMS General Fund donations help TMS immediately and are used to help further TMS projects and programs. These donations are not restricted and as such, they can be used by TMS as needed.

The TMS Endowment Fund was established by The Masonry Society’s Board of Directors in November 2000 to further the growth and financial stability of the Society. Monies contributed to this fund are deposited into a permanently restricted account, where only the interest can be used by a 2/3 vote of TMS’s Board of Directors. Projects for which these funds could possibly be used include seminars, publications, and other products that further the Society’s mission to advance the knowledge of masonry. In 2010, interest earned from the Endowment fund enabled travel for a TMS investigation of the performance of masonry during the Chilean earthquake. In 2012, interest earned from the Endowment Fund was used to generate a Research E-Newsletter which is posted on the TMS website.

The Pilot Project Fund was created in October 2008 by the Board of Directors to support special projects that further the Society’s mission and offerings through the direct contributions of donors. Grants of up to $3,000 will be provided, with the approval of the Executive Committee, for projects that require initial start up monies and which are felt to have high merit to TMS, its Members, and/or the public. The Pilot Project Fund differs from the Endowment Fund in that; the Endowment Fund uses only the interest earned from donations to support projects. The Pilot Project Fund uses the monies to directly fund projects. Monies from the Pilot Project fund are currently being used to assist a Building Information Modeling (BIM) study.

The Women in Masonry Fund was established in 2023 at the 14th NAMC by three women engineers who are passionate about masonry, the goal of this award is to increase female participation within TMS. The award provides funding for attendance at the TMS Annual Meeting including registration, travel assistance, a mentor, and a 1-year TMS membership (if not already a TMS member).

The Clayford T. Grimm P.E. Scholarship Fund was established in November 2007 in memory of Tom Grimm who was a Founding and Honorary Member of TMS and friend and mentor to many. He passed away in 2003 after a lifetime of service and achievement to the masonry industry. This scholarship is available to Master’s degree students performing research in the field of masonry. The 2012 scholarship was presented to Roann Dawn Kelln, studying under the direction of Dr. Lisa R. Feldman at the University of Saskatchewan.

The James L. Noland Student Scholarship Fund was established by TMS in memory of Jim Noland, former Executive Director of TMS and an Honorary Member of the Society. This fellowship is dedicated to promoting research in masonry-related topics by granting a $3,000 award to graduate students performing research in masonry design, materials, construction, or any combination of these in a program of engineering, construction, architecture, or materials science. The 2015 fellowship was awarded to Marcos Javier Martinez Andino, under the direction of Dr. Sez Atamturkur at Clemson University, for his doctoral work on “Structural Behavior of Dry-Stack Masonry” at the 12th North American Masonry Conference at the University of Colorado at Denver, in May 2015. The next scholarship will be awarded at the 13th North American Masonry Conference.

The TMS Legacy Donor Recognition Program was created in 2016 to acknowledge the generosity of donors while creating resources for TMS to advance the knowledge of masonry for a sustainable world, through education, research, and practice. Donors may designate donations to one of the existing funds of TMS and TMS will acknowledge that donation to that fund, while also listing it in the Legacy Donation Recognition rolls. For donors giving a minimum one-time gift of $25,000 or more, an option for creating a new, named fund is offered.

Donors will be recognized for the following Levels of Support:

Legacy Circle — Include TMS in estate plan as a named beneficiary
Named Program — A minimum $25,000 one-time gift
Founders Circle — A minimum of $10,000 one-time gift
Benefactors Circle — A minimum of $5,000 one-time gift
Retainers Circle — An initial gift of minimum $1,000 and a continuing gift of at least $250 per year
Supporters Circle — A gift of minimum $100 per year

TMS will manage all programs and work with donors to determine where or how funds are to be used. For information on creating a legacy contact TMS at (303) 939-9700.