TMS Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities


The Masonry Society is offering sponsorships and exhibition space for its Spring and Annual meetings.

If you are interested in sponsoring the Meetings, enter your desired sponsorship rate in the box below. Sponsorship levels and their corresponding rates are shown below. To exhibit, please contact the Society office at 303-939-9700.

SKU: sponsor-meeting Category:


Sponsorship of TMS Meetings assists TMS in holding down meeting costs for attendees while allowing sponsors access to meeting attendees. All sponsorships are subject to approval of TMS’s Meetings Committee.

Sponsors will be recognized on the appropriate meeting pages of the TMS website with a logo and a website link as well as on a Sponsor/Exhibitor poster at the Meetings. TMS will also look for other opportunities to easily, but inexpensively, recognize sponsors such as during event breaks, prior to (or during) the Member/Guest Receptions, and via written programs and signage. Sponsors will be ordered on the website and all signage based on sponsorship amount. Sponsors giving equal monetary amounts will be shown alphabetically.

Sponsors can request a mailing list of meeting attendees for their marketing purposes. Email addresses will not be provided. Marketing to attendees is expected to be professional and appropriate in nature.

Sponsorship Levels

Diamond Level: $2,000 or more (includes 1 free registration to the meetings and a free exhibit table*)

Platinum Level: $1,500 to $1,999 (includes a free exhibit table*)

Gold Level: $1,000 to $1,499

Silver Level: $500 to $999

Bronze Level: $250 to $499

*Diamond and Platinum Level Sponsors are entitled, when requested, to a small exhibit table at no additional costs.

TMS Meeting Exhibitor Base Rates

The Masonry Society is pleased to allow minor exhibitions at most of our semiannual meetings to allow vendors a chance to interact with attendees while exhibiting their products and services. Exhibitors at TMS Meetings assist the Society in holding down meeting costs for attendees, while allowing them access to the attendees. All Exhibitions are subject to approval of TMS’s Meetings Committee.

Exhibitors will be recognized on the appropriate “Meetings” Webpage of the TMS Website using their logo and a link to the Exhibitor’s website. Exhibitors will also be recognized on a “Sponsor/Exhibitor poster” at the Meetings. TMS will also look for other opportunities to easily, but inexpensively, recognize Exhibitors such as during event breaks, prior to/or during the Member/Guest Receptions, and via written programs and signage. Exhibitors will be ordered on the website and on all signage alphabetically.

Exhibitors will be provided, if requested, a mailing list of meeting attendees for their marketing purposes. Email addresses will not be given to Exhibitors. Marketing to attendees both at the meetings and following it is expected to be professional and appropriate in nature*. Exhibitors that inappropriately contact or market to attendees may be denied future exhibition opportunities.

The Exhibition Levels for TMS Meetings are set at the rates shown below.

Annual Meetings:
Includes 1 – 6 foot draped table. Electrical outlet charges may be extra; based on venue charges.
Non- Member Rate – $200 per day (or $500 for entire meeting (5 days)) plus Full Meeting Charge at non-Member rate. Includes networking opportunities at all TMS functions, including the Member/Guest reception, Awards Luncheon, etc.

TMS Member Rate – $100 per day (or $250 for entire meeting (5 days)) plus Full Meeting Charge at Member rate. Includes networking opportunities at all TMS functions, including the Member/Guest reception, Awards Luncheon, etc.

Spring Meetings:
Includes 1 – 6 foot draped table. Electrical outlet charges may be extra; based on venue charges.
Non- Member Rate – $100 per day (or $250 for entire meeting (3 to 4 days)) plus Full Meeting Charge at non-Member rate. Includes networking opportunities at all TMS functions, including the Member/Guest reception.

TMS Member Rate – $50 per day (or $130for entire meeting (3 to 4 days)) plus Full Meeting Charge at Member rate.  Includes networking opportunities at all TMS functions, including the Member/Guest reception, Awards Luncheon, etc.

* Exhibits and marketing are expected to be professional and may not be sexually explicit, political in nature, or racist in any form. Likewise Exhibitors should recognize that The Masonry Society’s mission is to advance the knowledge of masonry. Exhibits and ads for materials not related to masonry design, construction, evaluation, or repair may be considered inappropriate and are thus discouraged.