TMS Journal Submission Instructions

Instructions for Authors

TMS Journal is North America’s only technical journal dedicated to research, construction, materials, and design of masonry. Excellent technical papers are sought for consideration. Below is information and instructions for consideration by potential authors.

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The primary purpose of the TMS Journal is to provide a medium for presenting detailed reports on specific topics. Reports are in the form of Technical Papers and General Interest Topics. Discussion of Technical Papers and General Interest Topics is encouraged and will also be published. Subjects addressed may include, but are not limited to, masonry materials, structural system configurations, code requirements, and construction at the research, design, and application levels.

1.0 Submittals
Three categories of manuscripts may be submitted for publication in the TMS Journal: Technical Papers, General Interest Topics, and Discussions. A manuscript must not be submitted to other sources for possible publication unless the TMS Journal rejects the manuscript. Technical Papers are expected to be original contributions, although material that was previously published elsewhere will be considered if previous exposure was very limited, if appropriate credits are given, and if necessary, permission is granted.

1.1 Technical Papers — Technical Papers are formal manuscripts, such as reports of research, design techniques, literature reviews, or results of testing programs. Technical Papers are expected to be well-written, complete, and substantiated. Technical Papers should adhere to the following general format:

Abstract and Keyword
Conclusions and Recommendations

Technical Papers are not required to rigidly adhere to this format but should follow this outline to present an understandable paper. See Section 2.1 of this document for more detailed requirements for submittal of a Technical Paper. Acceptance of Technical Papers will be based on peer review by two persons with knowledge of the subject, as selected by the Editor or Associate Editors. Prior to publication, authors may be asked to make changes as required for clarity or completeness.

1.2 General Interest Topics — General Interest Topics are generally more informal manuscripts that are shorter than Technical Papers. General Interest Topics may describe a case study, review a specific problem, provide basic background on an aspect of masonry, present a design aid, provide a literature review on a single topic, or review other subjects that may be of interest to TMS members. Concepts or information that have not advanced to where a Technical Paper is appropriate, may be submitted as a General Interest Topic. General Interest Topics will be reviewed by two reviewers as selected by the Editor or Associate Editors. Detailed requirements for submittal of a General Interest Topic are given in Section 2.2.

1.3 Discussion — Discussion may be submitted in response to a Technical Paper or General Interest Topic that was previously published in the TMS Journal, or to further discuss previously published discussion. Discussion is reviewed by the Editor only. The Author of the original Technical Paper or General Interest Topic will be invited to respond to discussion by submitting a closing statement. Discussion is expected to be well-written and objective and may be rejected if it presents readily available information, advocates special interests, is speculative, or introduces personality questions.

2.0 Manuscript Requirements
Following are the requirements for manuscripts submitted to the TMS Journal for consideration.

2.1 Requirements for Technical Papers

2.1.1 The maximum length is 36 double-spaced pages, including tables, figures, and appendices. If the subject cannot be treated adequately within this limitation, the author should submit the work as a series of two or more papers. The author may also submit an exception request to the Editor.

2.1.2 All submitted manuscripts are to be double spaced with a 3/4inch margin on all sides. Electronic submissions are preferred and should be sent to

2.1.3 Figures must be drawn electronically. Individual electronic files containing the final drafts of all figures, in their original formats, shall be emailed to once a manuscript has been accepted for publication by the Journal Editor. Figures must be legible at up to a 50 percent reduction in size. The figure number and title must appear at the bottom of the figure. All figures must have captions and be referenced and explained in the text.

2.1.4 Table number and title must be indicated at each table. All tables must be referenced and explained in the text.

2.1.5 Individual electronic files containing the final drafts of all photographs, in their original formats, shall be emailed to once a manuscript has been accepted for publication by the Journal Editor. Photographs should be scanned electronically and provided in TIFF or EPS format. Photographs are treated the same as figures and must be referenced and explained in the text.

2.1.6 Submitted artwork, photographs, tables, and text for manuscripts accepted for publication become the property of The Masonry Society and will not be returned to the author. If specific photographs or material need to be returned, special arrangements may be made. Prior to publication, all authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement transferring all publication rights to TMS.

2.1.7 Title is not to exceed 10 words.

2.1.8 Author’s or authors’ names must appear below the title. The present affiliation of all authors must be given in a footnote. Authors are not required to be members of The Masonry Society, but those who are should so indicate.

2.1.9 A list of Keywords and an information retrieval Abstract of approximately 200 words must be provided on a separate page.

2.1.10 References are to be listed in a section entitled REFERENCES. References must be cited in the text by author name and date, e.g. Jaffe (1998). All listed references must match those cited in the text. Provide complete information about each reference, including journal or book title, authors, date of publication, issue volume and number, page numbers, and publisher. Format in accordance with the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, by Joseph Gibaldi, 6th ed., New York, Modern Language Association, 2003.

2.1.11 Mathematical symbols (notation) are to be defined when they first appear in the text (or in figures or tables). Notation is also to be listed alphabetically and defined in a section at the end of the paper entitled: NOTATION.

2.1.12 Mathematical expressions (equations) must be numbered, with the number appearing to the right of the equation. Complex equations must be provided in electronic format or on a separate sheet of paper.

2.1.13 Use U.S. Customary Units (in.-lb) followed by System Internationale units in parentheses.

2.1.14 Manuscripts must not contain unsubstantiated opinions and must be objective and unbiased.

2.2 Requirements for General Interest Topics
General Interest Topics must meet the same requirements as Technical Papers, except as follows:

2.2.1 The manuscript must not exceed eight double spaced pages in length.

2.2.2 A keyword list and abstract are not required.

2.3 Requirements for Discussion
Discussion must meet the same requirements as Technical Papers, except as follows:

2.3.1 The manuscript must not exceed four double spaced pages in length.

2.3.2 Keywords and an abstract are not required.

2.3.3 The title of the Technical Paper or General Interest Topic that is being discussed must appear at the top of the first page, together with a reference to the Journal issue and page number, and names of authors under discussion.

2.3.4 The discusser’s name must appear below the Technical Paper or General Interest Topic title as “Discussion by …” The discusser’s affiliation (company, address) must also be listed.

2.3.5 Figures, tables, and references provided by the discusser must be identified by letter rather than number. Figures, tables, and references appearing in the original paper are to be referenced as in the original manuscript

For more information, contact TMS at or call (303) 939-9700.