2023 TMS Service Awards Presented to Hunsicker and Schuller


During the Masonry Society’s 2023 Annual Meeting on October 9 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mohamed ElGawady, Chair of the Society’s Awards Committee presented 2 Service Awards as follows.

Ronald J. Hunsicker, received his second Service Award (see description of Award presented in 2018) for his considerable help this past year

TMS completed the first phase on one of its largest ever projects in 2023 –Masonry Standards Online, which required a significant effort by staff and volunteers. A key task, was reviewing the draft to ensure accuracy. Fortunately, several individuals volunteered to assist, and their reviews are greatly appreciated. Of these, Ron reviewed all Chapters despite not being assigned as the primary reviewers, and often found issues other missed. This took significant time, and his excellent, careful reviews helped to complete this project.

Michael P. Schuller

Preparing for meetings can be difficult for staff and volunteers and strong, local support is always appreciated. Anytime, we meet in Colorado, Atkinson Noland and Associates, and particularly Mike Schuller step up to support the Society and assist. For the 2022 Annual Meeting Mike stepped up again to make sure the meetings went smoothly and were enjoyable to all attendingwhich included transporting people to and from various venues, bring/transporting supplies, and assisting staff in many other ways.For his efforts, he is worthy of a TMS Service Award.